
Easy installation

Mike is installing the cd player in my car. So far it has taken five trips to stores because we have been sold the wrong parts three times (at two different stores). Now Circuit City doesn't have the right panel kit to fit around the cd player, so Mike is modifying the wrong one with power tools. It is too scary to watch.

Since I have some short jaunts planned on Texas highways and byways, I dreaded having only the radio. I used to plug a little cd player into my car with a cassette adaptor. A couple weeks ago the cassette player went berserko and noisily ground up the adaptor and threw a rod so no cassettes can be played.

I am supposed to go to Terrell to see my friend who's having chemo, but I can't go until the dash panel is back into position in the car. In the meantime, I've plowed down through the stacks of stuff on two desks, and started filing my art images and plans. I really need another two drawers of file cabinets, since my current six are packed like sardines. Filing has become an upper-body workout, which is part of the reason I have procrastinated on this task.

Trying to make room to set up my sewing machine so I can sew up thirty-two giant orange felt carrots. What I did on my summer vacation....

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