
Mr. Suave

Last evening my dear youngest son, resident teen, and social animal asked me if he needed to buy a corsage for his homecoming date. [The mum is not actually for the dance, even though it cost sixty bucks to make.] It was a special moment when we were having an actual conversation that didn't involve rolling eyes or saying, "Duh." I told him that he did indeed need to buy a corsage and he needed to order it tomorrrow at the latest. I suggested he could go order it at lunchtime. "Oh, no, Mom. Alex's mom is making lunch, and I NEVER MISS LUNCH!" Okay, he still has his priorities straight!

So then he asked what kind of corsage to get. I explained the wrist corsage vs. the regular kind, and asked about his date's dress. He queried, "How do you put the regular kind on?" I answered, "YOU pin it on." I thought he was going to choke on his Adam's apple, and I hadn't even mentioned that her parents would be watching this operation. It's good to know he isn't always Mr. Suave. I'm betting on the wrist corsage. [And don't you dare tell him his date's mom would probably pin the corsage on for him. A little fear is a good thing.]

Got home from swimming tonight and asked if the corsage had been ordered. Dumb mom question. Of course not. I explained again about ordering the corsage in advance, and again suggested his lunch break. "But Fish's mom is making lunch tomorrow!" So, if you see a corsageless girl at homecoming Saturday night, you will know her date is my son. And, yes, the way to a guy's heart is still through his stomach.

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