

Resolution #7 : To refrain from refilling the birdfeeder.  Sorry birds, but the sight of a rat pigging out at the feeder is giving me nightmares.  And, no, I probably won't listen to "The Nutcracker" for quite awhile.

Fewaffu is today's security word, which sets off all sorts of inner pinballs.  It so sounds like a quicki-ethnic counter in a failing shopping mall's fast food court.  Part loofah and part Luby LuAnn platter perhaps.

Falafel became so popular that McDonald's now serves a "McFalafel" in some countries. I get falafel mixed up with injera, that spongy Ethiopian flatbread.

I written elsewhere about the year we had our Thanksgiving at a Waffle House in Oklahoma.  Ooh.  I fee waffu sorry for you.  This feline waffle is borrowed from link.

Resolution #8 : To actually read the tales of E. T. A Hoffmann for free [frewaffu] on my Kindle.  But for now just put the opera dvd in the player for Neil Shicoff and Bryn Terfel.

Resolution # 9 : Learn to make pie crust.  Apropos of nothing except maybe a potpie with pretty slits on the golden brown crust would be fewaffu satisfying on a chilly evening.

apropos of nothing
  1. Without reference to anything.
  2. Without any apparent reason or purpose.

Fewaffu it up to warf speed, Whoopi!

© 2011 Nancy L. Ruder


Kathleen said...

Kim can help you with the pie crust.

Kim said...

Yes I make the world's easiest and pretty delicious pie crust. Do you want to know my secrets? About pie crust that is.

Collagemama said...

Well, I looked in Joy of Cooking, then in the cupboard. I have shortening, but no flour. Tonight in not the potpie night. I definitely need to know your secrets...


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