
Leprechaun Traps

I don't know why teachers assign students the Leprechaun Trap project. For a change they could assign geodesic dome gnome homes or pixie stick houses (not for the smart pixie).

The best way to trap leprechauns would be to invite them to happy hour at the Fairyland Bandstand to hear Elvis and the Shoemakers perform. Leprechauns get dizzy under the disco ball, and when they fall over you can trap them with no trouble. It's pretty easy to make a Fairyland Bandstand. You need a hinged shoebox, the kind where the lid is connected to the box. The box part is the stage, and the open lid is the dance floor. Hang the disco ball at the edge of the shoebox. You can make amps out of Altoid boxes, and drum sets out of various bottle lids. I usually make the elves out of clothespins, but you could make them out of peanuts. You might consider hanging plastic cherry tomato nets from the ceiling of the bandstand to drop on the dizzy leprechauns. If you have lots of time you could make some ZZTop clay trolls, and grow grass seed for hair, Chia pet style.

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