
Dream messages

In my dream, and I sure hope it was a dream, I received an email with all the html code showing. The email told me I had to be at the Meyerson Symphony Center at 1 p.m. to pick up the ticket for the symphony, and the intermission would be at three....Trouble was it was already 1:30. If I didn't go to the 1 p.m. performance, the email said I had to go to the performance tomorrow night that starts at 8 p.m., but doesn't end until 1 a.m. That was just part of the dream, which was very stressful since I had to wear a power suit to a luncheon with some big wigs, and I had to switch all my purse junk into a new red purse.

In some ways it might be nice to get dream messages that were as clear cut as an email saying "You have to go to __________ by _______ o'clock today. Carry the red purse!" Instead we have to sift and weigh many layers of symbols to get a hint of possible meaning and direction.

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