
Non-specific existential interior decorating dissatisfaction

Didn't recognize the Early Warning Signals, and slipped into one of my spells where I want to haul nearly all of my worldly goods out into the condo parking lot and set them on fire. Then I want to rip up all the carpet, roll it up, and add it to the fire.

What holds me back?
  • If I rip out the carpet the cracks in the concrete slap will show.
  • I'm pretty sure the fumes from the carpet would be carcinogenic, if not mind-altering.
  • If I burn the furniture, the biggest spots on the carpet will show.
  • If I burn the couch, where will I put the under-the-bed storage boxes full of Magic cards and role-playing game books that are holding it up?
  • If I get rid of the mattress and box springs stuffed under the stairway, the terrorists will have won.

I haven't actually looked in the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV for this debilitating form of recurrent davenport dysthymia. If it's not there, it should be!

My ex used to say I was having one of my "Buddhist Attacks" when I had an episode of NSEIDD. He was one to talk. His idea of a clean house was a Japanese shogun's retreat built of sliding rice paper walls, with grass mats on the floor, one low table, and one vase holding a plum blossom, and absolutely nothing else. Needless to say, we had serious culture clashes over my desire to hang art work on any wall, and the Legos, toy soldiers, and Hot Wheels of three small sons.

This holiday I will have a large assembly of able-bodied males in residence to lift and move. Now if I could just find a charitable organization with very low aesthetic standards to haul everything away!



earth dog said...

You are not alone my friend. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery...wait, am I confusing this disease with one of the many others I have? If only we could take 12 steps and be cured...

I've resigned myself to living with torn up furniture, carpets, and blinds at least until my animals are gone. Of my 46 years on this planet, I can only remember about 3 years not having one sort of animal or another (ex husbands not included). Guess I'll never get new stuff but that's OK, those crazy animals love me!

earth dog said...

You are not alone my friend. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery...wait, am I confusing this disease with one of the many others I have? If only we could take 12 steps and be cured...

I've resigned myself to living with torn up furniture, carpets, and blinds at least until my animals are gone. Of my 46 years on this planet, I can only remember about 3 years not having one sort of animal or another (ex husbands not included). Guess I'll never get new stuff but that's OK, those crazy animals love me!


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