

Today's vocabulary word is extrude--to shape by thrusting through a die.

The preschoolers are poking drinking straws into white modeling clay as we attempt to form the analytic shapes to make dinosaurs. Naturally, they are fascinated with the coprolites left in the straws, and work to force out the core samples. The dinosaurs are turning out pretty well. One little girl told me that choosing which dinosaur to make was like going to a "cafetherium" for lunch.

There's a theory that "Coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous." The quote may come from Doris Lessing, or even from Anonymous Herself. Whatever the source, life is weird.
Nearly everyone I know is involved in the care for an elderly parent. It's a physical and emotional task way beyond my expectations.

Donna Anna in Act I of Don Giovanni has been playing in my head all day. Also, I recommend turkey sandwiches. My coworkers decided I was a hormonal stress mess and picked up lunch from Corner Bakery. Those Thanksgiving tripto-thingies in the turkey got me all calmed out and groggy this afternoon. I'm feeling more integrated/cohesive/dried-out pink Play-dough than I have in days. I hate that soft moist weepy modeling clay kind of day, especially when the different colors get mixed together and it's all stuck in the cookie cutters.

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