
Spring Break Cleaning: Day Four

The commercialization of Dr. Seuss's creations makes me very sad. Hollywoodination, Happy Meal toys, the WWHD?* books all depress me. It's bad enough to have Sylvester McMonkey McBean in the White House with his cabinet of Grinches. It's worse their mommies never read them Yertle the Turtle, The Lorax, or the wonderful story of the pale green pants with nobody inside them, "What Was I Scared Of?" in The Sneetches.
On the other hand, our McBean did seem to learn some tricks for his WMD on Mulberry Street.

I am employed, for which I'm extremely grateful. So many people in this area have lost jobs during McBean's administration. Many of them are still unemployed, or under-employed, while McBean is busy running all of us through the Star On and Star Off machines. It's time to wake up, fellow Sneetches! McBean is driving off down the beach with every last cent of our money. And what am I doing about it on my Spring Break? Thank you for asking.

I'm doing what I do nearly every break. I'm cleaning McElligott's Pool, yes, spending quality time mucking out the aquarium. Today it became obvious that siphoning was not going to be sufficient, so I caught the eight fish with my net--"I bet with my net I can get those Things yet." Now they are living in a fishbowl, though they all said, "No, no!". Probably half of them will have heart attacks from my inept network. No serve, and no backhand. Did the one-woman bucket brigade emptying the tank, then hauled it outside to scrub. Then did more bucket aerobics with fresh water. The new water has to sit and warm up for a few days. Then I'll have to catch the fish again, put them back in the tank, and wait for them to get fatally homesick for their filthy former home.

This is not the Spring Break experience that merits souvenirs, although my t-shirt did get wet! The day was far too young for the limbo competition at the luau, so I went to Albertsons and bought salmon steaks and fresh asparagus. Back home that seems kind of disgusting and repetitive, but with a squeeze of lemon!

*What Would Horton Do?

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