
Five Star ERs

I am glad to report that visits to the emergency room have dropped off sharply now that the boys are in their late teens and even twenties. Think the last visit was a broken collar bone due to an incredibly stupid Thanksgiving tackle football game between the speech team and the tech theatre crew.

There are major eras in the parenting of three sons, and the eras may overlap. Toilet-training, allow ten years. Camouflage attire, allow ten years. Automotive lust phase, allow ten years, but with frequent relapses. And then there's the ER phase. You remember those Wonder Bread commercials where your child grows amid red, yellow, and blue balloons? The emergency room phase grows from stitches and asthma through broken arms, legs, and collar bones, past eye injury emergencies, weird bug bite reactions, hideous (smelly) skin rashes, strategic poison ivy, and allergy shot overdoses.

Boys have a talent for injuring themselves during family vacations. It's a gift. And so I thought other parents might appreciate a travel guide to emergency rooms. The best one we visited took an xray of a plastic ninja turtle to dispel anxiety. We kept that xray film for years....Other parents might appreciate my hard-won hints for dealing with Blue Cross in other states. The travel guide was one of many great ideas for getting rich. Another was a line of holiday cards featuring the caroling peanut family...

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