
You have entered a carrot no fly zone

The high school lunch bunch is back! My schedule finally allows me to resume feeding this gang one noon a week. Today there were six seniors, all guys. The girls haven't been joining them for lunch, possibly because the gang hadn't been able to go to homes much. Moms can't always change from summer schedules to fall at the same time as our schools (which started up on the ridiculous fourth of August)!

I'm glad Stephen can join the bunch this sememster. Steven and Stephen are a bit like Darryl and his other brother Darryl from the old "Newhart" show (or from my auto repair shop). Either of them are capable of showing up with the round-table discussion topic equivalent of a varmint in a burlap bag. The film-makers are back, and the theater techie, and the very funny physicist. They brought their appetites, too. They like to come to lunch at my house because they don't have to worry about messing anything up. They aren't slobs, and they always clear up after themselves, more or less. It's just that my condo has been more of a guys' locker room than a Martha Stewart Living home for so long it just gives off that vibe. When all my sons move out I plan to burn the carpet, the couch, the armchair, all the muddy cleats left at the front door... It will be quite a marshmallow roast.

Back on 3/26/2004 I blogged about the Carrot Bowl competition invented at a lunch bunch lunch. You can look it up, but it involved place-kicking carrot sticks toward the mini-blinds and impaling them on the slats. It was too funny to get agitated about, although I did quit serving carrot sticks for the rest of the semester. When I put out the bowl of carrots today, I just posted a sign on the mini-blinds, "This is a carrot no fly zone." There aren't any WMDs here, but two-thirds of the guys removed the dangerous cucumber slices from their grilled turkey/avocado/swiss on wheat sandwiches. I just wanted to add a little crunch now that I'm a bold jicama convert.

When these guys head off to college next year I sure hope they plan some lunch bunch reunions over winter break. I'll be sure to serve carrots.

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