
Anthropology and Undergarments

My first destination is the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico. It is on a straight line between the airport and my motel. I am fascinated by the exhibits on clay preparation and glazes by the Anasazi, Hohokan, and Mogollan peoples, but can't absorb it all. The next exhibit is Kuna molas. Among the fabric molas of animals, airplanes, and insects, there are molas of bras and panties. Since molas are traditionally used as the front bodice of a dress, this is a pretty weird concept.

After I check into the motel I go off to the nearby Walmart to buy some bras for myself. Didn't have enough bras for normal life, but had no time to shop before the trip, so it's imperative that I find some that fit. Thank heaven my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Korinek, won't require an essay on what I did on my summer vacation!

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