
Murder by Weed-Whacker, and other happy thoughts

It would be very interesting to take a poll of women more or less my age to see how many of them ever entertained the following fantasy...(no lingerie garments were harmed in this experiment)...might be a good Science Fair project:

1. Did you ever daydream that your spouse crashed his car into a bridge abuttment?

2. Were you relieved he was the only fatality?

3. Approximately how many hours did you spend pondering how you could best use the fantasy life insurance money?
a. 1-5
b. 5-10
c. 10-100
d. More than 100 (per week)

4. In what kind of new car did you imagine yourself driving off to A Better Life?

4.a. Did your hair look like Farrah Fawcett's as you drove off?

4.b. What was playing on the car radio?

5. Did this scenario seem like the ONLY way your life was going to improve?

6. How many years did you spend in this scary place?

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