
Feeding the artist's soul

A few years ago I worked through Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. It seems to be time to take a refresher course and do some intensive refueling and reinvestigating. For the time being, I have parked the millennium Falcon on the tarmac, and headed on into the Cantina.

One of Cameron's basic tools is the "Artist Date". For me, that means making time to be a tourist in my own world. I seriously need to redevelop the Artist Date habit! Even though I've been writing, my inspiration and urge to create visual art has gone on vacation and left no forwarding address.

I'll be sending some "Wish You Were Here" scenic postcards. Here in Texas there's a tourist trap with a high diving pig named Ralph. For the time being, I'm identifying with the pig!***

***Actually, Aquarena Springs has transformed from a cheesie tourist trap with a diving pig into an educational center teaching Texans about the importance of the Edwards Aquifer. I still like to imagine the pig in a Speedo and goggles. Maybe even with those old-fashioned pink rubber nose plugs. And there in a wood a piggy-wig stood with an inflatable ring around his middle...

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