
Trout lily handwriting

This premature spring has convinced the first grade girls they should really be writing "in cursive", so they are making looping nonsensical signatures. The five year olds are struggling to master printing on lined paper, working out which letters are tall, and which hang down below the line. Candy canes and fish hooks get larger and larger. The three year olds are documenting life in invented script and writing their names in all caps. Remembering my childhood fascination with my dad's drafting block print lettering.

© 2012 Nancy L. Ruder


Kathleen said...

Oh, is there a font called trout lily?

Collagemama said...

Hmmm. It would have to be the perfect combo of extravagant curves with simplicity and freshness. I can almost read the description on the last page of the novel.

Kim said...

One of my patients is growing a "voodoo lily". It has not yet bloomed but he said when it does its a big white bloom and smells like rotting meat. He sprays it with hairspray and that banishes the smell and the insects it would otherwise attract. Hmmm.

Collagemama said...

Ew. Trout lilies do not smell like fish. I haven't noticed any smell at all.


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