
"I got my mind right, Boss"

Norton, the class rabbit, was annoyed. His owner went skiing without him. He let us know his disapproval with the situation early in the morning by attacking his hay box with pro wrestling flair. The children loved the display as Norton flipped the cardboard box around his cage, bit it, tore it apart, tackled it, and held it down for the count. Maybe he should run for governor!

Norton let me know I forgot his apple core and romaine heart, and was not impressed with my story of taking my son to the DART station before work. He jumped up onto flower pots fifteen inches tall to bite the plants, and tested every opportunity to escape the room. The children were delighted with the rabbit rodeo.

Norton climbed all over one teaching assistant, and piddled on another. At the end of the day he sulked and snorted half in and half out of his pet carrier before the ride in the Buick.

I was sorry to do it, but this rabbit needed to spend a night in the box, Cool Hand Luke style, to get his mind right. He snorted at the carrot, green bean, and lettuce amenities I provided, but eventually sneak-ate the carrot and lettuce. Still grumpy, he shoved the green bean around his cage like a preschooler with a plate of brussel sprouts. I gave him a ragged old placemat, and he did a fine matador imitation with it. That seemed to wear him out, so we both hit the hay.

This morning Norton seems to have accepted the situation. He came out of his cage to inspect the living room, but did not venture into the kitchen. I think he got his mind right, but he may just be biding his time till he can escape to grin his Paul Newman grin.

© 2008 Nancy L. Ruder

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