
Sleeping with the windows open

The moth is just doing its job when it bumps and thumps against your window screen. A wonderful concept for a preschooler hearing Russell Hoban's delightful Bedtime for Frances picture book, and not a bad idea for anyone:

Her father soon grows increasingly frustrated with little Frances and sternly reassures her that these phenomena do not exist. Moreover, he explains that the wind, another cause of Frances' distress, is doing its job by shaking the windowpanes. He also teaches her that everyone and everything has a job: his job requires that he arrive at the office at nine every morning, Frances' job is to attend school, and the wind's job is to blow. Reassured by this lesson, she understands that the most recent cause of her inability to sleep, a moth banging against her window, is not intent on haunting her sleep, but merely doing its job.

Didn't settle down any better than Frances this week while my dad was back in the hospital in Nebraska. I needed a moth outside my window just doing its job by lulling me to sleep.

Instead, I opened Joseph Scheer's book, Night Visions, to look at images of moths scanned at 40,000 pixels per inch. While the book inspired wonder and creative urges, it didn't lull me to sleep. I ripped out a just begun owl stitchery, so a stitched moth could bump against a burlap screen door.

© 2007 Nancy L. Ruder


Anonymous said...

Is your dad okay now? --Mary

Collagemama said...

Dad responded well to a broad-spectrum antibiotic IV even though the medical folks never found the location of the infection. He's home again, jiggity jig. He enjoyed expressing his irritation with physical therapists generally and specifically!


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