
August Sasse excerpt #1

From the handwritten biography of my great great grandfather:

July 25th 1873. ---- Now we went to work with a good free will; digging a well, putting up a shed for the teams, breaking a little of the prairie sod, and put in a few acre of Corn, and the rest of the Time, I used the Armstrong machine; and put up as much prairie hay as possible. -- Of course our harvest didn't amount to much; for we planted so little -- but the pesky Grasshoppers came along, anyhow: -- and looked over the location; so as to be able to find it The following year:" -- -- --The next year, we broke out about 15 acres aond would have had a nice bit of Corn; but The hoppers Came and saved me The trouble of husking it: --- --- --- --- Then came the Year 1875, and with it our Son Adolph, on April 21st. -- -- -- Now we had on hand five hungry little ones -- a part of our happy lives!! --- --- --- --- but they had to be fed, and Clothed; and The measly hoppers Took every Thing, That we Expected to harvest:!! So There were many heartaches, of what to do in The future!!!" We kept on a planting and sowing; but even The Year 1876; our entire Crops were destroyed, when we almost had a big Corn Crop in our reach ---- at times we were much discouraged; but yet we held on and struggled for our little Band:" -- -- -- -- The Year 1877. was a blessed one for all of us, besides an abundant Corn and Wheat Crop;; we harvested a bouncing Baby girl, for on May 2nd our Cathariene was born; -- to help us, to chase the hoppers -- -- but she came too late; for The Bugs must have got scared, and They never bothered us afterwards! --- --- ---From now on, Time passed somewhat easier for The Children grew up like Sunflowers, and were soon able to help a little here and There:

© 2007 Nancy L. Ruder

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