
Brain strainers and Gerber popsicles

Feeding toddler and preschool sons made for odd cooking memories. Today I'm wondering how the funny kid who sat eating a Gerber popsicle in the high chair wearing his tuxedo bib and railroad overalls can be turning twenty-two.

Second Son wanted food he could do all-by-himself. Amen, and pass the Cheerios! He wanted pasta with parmesan. He especially wanted a popsicle like his big brother's. Done! Popsicles were made in the vintage Tupperware Tupps from MY childhood using plain yogurt, Gerber strained fruits, and juice. There was a lot of nutrition in these frozen novelties. I was glad not to spend my days trying to fly the airplane of Gerber beets into the airport hangar of Mikey's mouth!

Does Second Son remember any of this as he finishes college? News on the AP wire today suggests that he only remembers the smallest portion of boiled mental pasta strained in the colander of his infancy. Patricia Bauer from Duke University compares the brains of babies to colanders:

The ability to form memories depends on a network of structures in the brain and these develop at different times, Bauer said. As the networks come together between 6 months and 18 months of life, researchers see increased efficiency in the ability to form short- and long-term memory, she said.

From age six months to two years, memory increases from about 24 hours to a year, she said. But, noting that children, like adults, forget, she compared the brains of infants and adults to colanders used to drain food.

The adult colander has small holes, for draining something like orzo or rice, while the infant colander has larger holes, such as for draining large penne pasta, but allowing more information to flow out.

Dr. Bauer does not address either Ragu or Kraft parmesan issues. She doesn't discuss why we lost our poor meatball, or even our bladder control, when somebody sneezed. We are left to wonder if there's a hole in the bucket, the bucket, the bucket. There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole.

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