
True Confessions

"Dull and repetitive" will never be used to describe my job or place of employment. You have to be crazy to work there. It's required. You also have to be a team player, and pitch in during any crisis.

Thankfully, I was totally engaged in teaching a tribe of curious six year olds when the restroom flooded this afternoon. We were merrily painting our clay dinosaur pencil-holders when someone flushed a large quantity of paper towels. A flooding toilet and a loud wet-vac are nearly as distracting as a cherry-picker crew working on the utility wires across the street, a thunderstorm power failure, or a wasp in the classroom. The rest of the staff from Kahuna on down had to stick their fingers in the dike while I just had to keep kids from wading in and "helping"!

The restroom crisis called to mind a Very Black Day in my childhood. I was about kindergarten age, and my brother was two and a half or three. We were in the bathroom, which was painted Chinese red by the former owners, and had blue linoleum. I don't know what we were supposed to be doing, but I suspect we didn't really grasp the concept of privacy. My brother had a toy boat made of metal that was the model for recent retro Restoration Hardware Christmas ornaments. Somehow the toy boat fell into the toilet. Whatever we were doing, we weren't supposed to be doing it. I freaked and decided to flush the toilet to get rid of the evidence.

My dad had to deal with this plumbing nightmare. I think he said both "dang" and "damn", and glared as he plunged. Who could blame him? I don't think I ever admitted my role as the flushee, so I would like to do that at this time. I sure hope the statute of limitations has passed.

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