
Carl on your answering machine, Nash for three

Starting April eighth, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, will air at eleven a.m. Saturdays instead of Sundays at one p.m. on KERA 90.1 FM. This is great! Ever since I found that KUCV in Nebraska airs WWDTM at ten a.m. Saturdays I've had to use the streaming online audio to get my fix faster.

Good things are better when shared across generations. Few things beat the glow of a cafe breakfast with your teen sons, their healthy appetites, and their grandparents.

I love discovering that my dad is equally partial to Wait Wait on NPR, and to the wind quintets of Janacek. We sat in shared delight watching Steve Nash and the Phoenix Suns make nirvana three-pointers one evening.

Maybe the best was sharing the quest for the the true Tuna Frenchee. The real deal is the goal of the King's archaeologists. Where can we uncover that perfect food of the Olympians? Is the sandwich perfectly battered and deep-fried? Are the frescoes as fresh as the day they were painted? Where can we salute the Starkist and stripes? Word of the Day verisimilitude \ver-uh-suh-MIL-uh-tood; -tyood\, noun:1. The appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true.2. Something that has the appearance of being true or real.

The cheese frenchee sandwiches at Amigos at 70th and A Streets in Lincoln are okay, but they won't satisfy a true connoisseur of the old King's drive-in frenchees. Don and Millie's Lenten tuna frenchees are closer on both batter and filling.

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