
Soccer Mom Appreciation Game Day

Plan ahead for May seventh, Soccer Mom Appreciation Game Day, aka the day before Mother's Day:

1. Save one small water bottle for each member of your young team. Cut the bottles off 3" from the bottom to make a tiny flower pot.

2. Put a jiffy pot in the water bottle "pot", and moisten according to instructions.

3. Have your little team members plant seeds in the "pots" for marigolds or sunflowers--something that sprouts fast.

4. Get some plastic straws, coffee stirrers, or skewers.

5. Use the coffee stirrer as a florist-style plant spike. Staple a little sign on the spike that says something like,
"Thank you for tying my soccer shoes, cheering for me, bringing the orange slices, and kissing my boo-boos. Thank you for being my very own wonderful Soccer Mom. Love, _______ XOXOX".

6. Tie a sports shoelace around the flower pot.

7. Have the kids make an arch for the moms to run through! (Do not dump cold Gatorade on moms.)

8. Present the flowers to the moms, and give them sweaty, muddy hugs.

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