
Imelda Marcos Day

I've already written about this being Blue Shoes week in my classes. Had another packed preschool class today with three sets of twins and many other sibling combos. Add Keano to the list of student names, with Kobe and Gwyneth. It is another big year for preschoolers named Jack, but I also have a Frank. The wave of Sams has passed.

Anyway, back to blue shoes. Met my allegedly intermediate art class. Right now it is just five girls, with an age span 8-13. We did drawings of our own shoes in all the blue media I could round up, and brainstormed different fashion styles and practical considerations of shoes. Then we made very blue mixed media drawings of shoes lined up on closet shelves--Cinderella's glass slipper, roller skates, curly-toed elf shoes, retro groovy boots, glittery fashion shoes, tennis shoes, bunny slippers... Two of the girls very conscientiously drew pairs of shoes neatly lined up on the shelves. Some drew mateless exotic shoes. One girl drew pairs of shoes, but jumbled up like the bottom of my closet, with wonderful multiple sketches that made the shoes seem to wiggle and dance. I should probably clarify that the single exotic shoes were not dancing on tables! After that we made clay prototypes of flowered flip-flops, ladybug high heels, kitty cat slippers and caterpillar slippers...Earlier in the day 7-year old boys made shoes with computer chips, cobra snakes, spiders, and cell phones. Maxwell Smart meets Johnny Quest.

With all the design energy out there, why can't someone create the Perfect Purse for women my age???

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