
Didgeridoos in the car

Began assembling the equipment necessary for a preschool photo safari in the Outback today. We used stencils of crocs and roos, with sponge paint rollers to decorate our expedition kit boxes. We each made a lovely camera using an Altoid box with a yarn neck strap. Rx lids make great "flashes", and we glued on lots of buttons for "zooming in and out" and taking pictures. These kids are all geared to digital cameras, so they needed a button to see their imaginary captured images. Our products are some of the best smelling cameras on the market today!

Tomorrow we'll make magical "Dreamtime" binoculars from the ubiquitous t.p. tubes. We will add colored cellophane "lenses" so we can see Bunyip and the Mimis, instead of just Uluru. If you want to know about Mimis, go to www.aboriginalartonline.com. Mimis are real characters! Eventually, we'll add a compass and other survival gear to our photo expedition kits.

The didgeridoos were huge hits. We used poster mailing tubes, about 4" in diameter, instead of the PVC pipe in the http://www.kinderart.com/multic/didgeridoo.shtmlplans. The poster board mouthpieces did not work. On the other hand, most of the kids could do "motorboat lips" into the tubes to make wonderful, LOUD noises, and didn't want to add the mouthpieces anyway. We glued on drawings, wrapped colored masking tape stripes, and added strings of pony beads and feathers to make groovy, if not authentic replicas of this ancient musical instrument. Visualize kids so excited that they took their didgeridoos along in the SUV on weekend road trips. Visualize parents with Ibuprofen!

G'day, mates!

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