
Halloween hike at Connemara Meadow

Thank heaven it was a bright, crisp morning for my hike at Connemara Meadow. If it had been another dark, rainy day I might have burrowed deep under the covers and skipped it. We had thirty-two days of rain during September and October, resulting in 14.5 inches of precipitation and a whole lot of crazed preschoolers who couldn't go outside for recess. My frame of mind was getting overcast and mildewed.


Our naturalist guide mentioned several times that prairie ecosystems are dependent on disruption for survival. Without fires, droughts, and grazing, a prairie would be overgrown with forest. Because the meadow preserve is surrounded by development now, a controlled burn is out of the question. Mowing is the only way the ecosystem can be disturbed. Mowing is a way to stunt the invasive, non-native Johnson grass to let native plants have a chance.

Wood-oats, or inland sea oats

I'm feeling like my mental meadow is getting overgrown and might be due for some disruption. It could be time to mow back some invasive, agressive non-natives.

Flower structure for the carrot family

© 2009 Nancy L. Ruder


Rick said...

Is Connemara open again? I loved going there all the time, then one day it vanished!

Collagemama said...

It's only open for events and guided hikes. There's an open house coming up soon.



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