
Junco job fair

Most of today has been spent napping or staring at the birdfeeder. Just now, after twenty-four hours with penicillin, I feel more human than zombie.

There's a crossbar at the bottom of my birdfeeder hook that's the scene of major action. A pair of squirrels used the bar as a starting leap to climb up the hook to raid the birdfeeder. The pair took turns hanging upside down on the birdfeeder gorging themselves and knocking seed to the patio.

Enter the juncos. Although really sparrows, juncos wear handsome gray business suits, and have a pleasant song. My feeder has attracted quite a flock, so I've been calling it the "job fair". These busy birds could easily be dropping off resumes and networking in our current economic climate. While they occasionally eat at the feeder, they are more commonly scurrying around eating seeds spilled by the squirrel duo. They often hop over the crossbar, and visit the garden containers.

Mourning doves also prefer to eat off the ground. A pair has been wandering around the patio like mapless miniature golfers. When they wander up to the crossbar they bobble their necks and seem to say they don't have the wits to go under the limbo bar at this sock hop. They might mosey over to the hula hoops next.

© 2009 Nancy L. Ruder

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